RELEASE PARTY - Business Flows 4 Process Driven SAP - Updates

SAVE THE DATE - 26th November at 09:30 AM CET

Key Note Updates - Release Party


"Release Party - Business Flows 4 Process Driven SAP ahead!"

Finally! We have now set the agenda for our “Business Flows 4 Process Driven SAP” Release Party. We will have 2 breakout sessions held via Zoom.

Breakout Room 1: Discover & Prepare

How does a Process Driven approach help align transformation objectives with the Scope and Design of your SAP initiative?

Breakout Room 2: Explore, Realize & Deploy

Business Readiness and Change Management. A guided transformation of systems, processes and people.

Due to the positive feedback we had from our Open BPM House Party we will avoid the ‘frontal-webinar’ approach but rather focus on key notes and dialog. This leaves room for an honest, practice-oriented discussion and direct exchange of experiences. So, pick a room and join the conversation which interests you most or switch anytime you feel like it!

Guest speaker at the Release Party will be Mr. Christian Reiter, from msg treorbis, our longstanding partner, friend and the best man for the job to get you FIT for your S/4HANA Transformation.

Face your Challenges! Find Inspiration!

The doors to the breakout rooms will open on 26th November 2020 at 09:30 AM CET.

What you only have to do is:

Register today to reserve your virtual place and receive all the exciting updates!

Come along and join in the discussion with all of us.  

I am looking forward to seeing familiar and new faces.


Gülsüm Ucuran


RELEASE PARTY - Business Flows 4 Process Driven SAP

SAVE THE DATE - 26th November at 9:30 AM CET

"Release Party - Business Flows 4 Process Driven SAP ahead!"

Face your Challenges! Find Inspiration! It's time to swing into Action. Step up your SAP related Business Transformations. Starting right here. Right now.

We are thrilled to announce the Release of "Business Flows 4 Process Driven SAP". We created Business Flows for Process Driven SAP as a Business Transformation methodology aligned with SAP Activate, but with the addition that it sets a more consistent context to Business Processes across the whole transformation lifecycle.

We open the doors again (virtually) and give you the chance to participate in an honest , practice-oriented discussion with like minded people who experienced the same hurdles as you.

There is something for everyone, for now, this much I can reveal.

To join, please add yourself to the guest list.

Further event details to follow.


Gülsüm Ucuran

BPM OPEN HOUSE PARTY - Let's celebrate

SAVE THE DATE - 25th June at 2 PM CET



Dear all,

this pesky corona has crashed my yearly Business Transformation Day plans and I was really looking forward to it with joyful anticipation. BUT, I have considered an alternative and invite you to my:


So the first speakers and topics are fixed and the doors to the breakout rooms will open on 25th June at 2 PM.

Hell’s Kitchen

"EMS - perfect nutrition for your business transformation combining best ingredients from strategy to process mining."

Caspar Jans - Director Business & IT Transformation, Software AG

Dr. Russell Gomersall - Partner, bpExperts GmbH


"Management and Leadership in the virtual working environment"

Dr. Jochen König - Partner, bpExperts GmbH


"How to establish effective business steering based on operating models and value flows?"

Markus Wolf - Partner, bpExperts GmbH

Dr. Ike Allen - Consulting Manager, bpExperts GmbH


"Managing risks in procurement and planning."

Neven Bartel - Owner & Founder, Neven Bartel Consulting & Interim Management

Stefan Hauenschild - Consulting Manager, bpExperts GmbH

Come along and join in the discussion with all of us.

I am looking forward to seeing familiar and new faces. Let's celebrate virtual.

Your Party-Host

Gülsüm Ucuran

PS: Follow us on LinkedIn . There is already a lot of communication going on regarding "who’s coming" and "who’s bringing what" to the BPM Open House Party. Check it out!

5 Schlüsselfaktoren für eine erfolgreiche Business Transformation

Sich ständig ändernde externe und interne Rahmenbedingungen und Einflüsse stellen immer größere Anforderungen an die Entwicklung und Implementierung neuer oder verbesserter Geschäftsmodelle und den unterstützenden IT Systemen. Damit wachsen auch die Herausforderungen für Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter Transformationen zu planen und zu implementieren. 

Am 21.09.2017 haben wir in diesem Kontext zu unserem diesjährigen Kundentag nach Frankfurt unter dem Motto “Business transformation is a capability, not a project” eingeladen. Im Fokus stand eine gezielte Moderation zum Austausch von Erfahrung und Erarbeitung von Antworten auf die Frage:  

Was sind Schlüsselfaktoren für eine erfolgreiche Business Transformation? 

Der Tag wurde nach einer Einführung zum "Transformationsfähigkeit entfachen" durch Siegfried Wien (nowhere) und Markus Wolf (bpExperts) durch praxisbezogene Impulsvorträge von Frau Katharina Koston (Phoenix Contact), Caspar Jans (DSM) sowie Markus Ratter und Carsten Schöne (Merck) ergänzt. 

Die angeregten Diskussion und Ergebnisse der kleinen Arbeitsgruppen lassen sich in der Umsetzung folgender 5 Faktoren/Indikatoren zusammenfassen:

  1. Funktionsübergreifende Entscheidungsfindung praktizieren

  2. Führen über Berichtslinien hinweg

  3. Engagement in verteilter, gemeinsamer 'ownership' und Verantwortung

  4. Schnelles Lernen und Anpassungsfähigkeit meistern

  5. Zur Suche nach Veränderungen ermutigen, ohne die Vergangenheit zu kritisieren

An dieser Stelle möchten wir uns nochmals bei allen Teilnehmern für Ihre aktive Beteiligung und anregenden Beiträge bedanken. Das Feedback zur Themenstellung ermutigen uns die 'Entfachung der Transformationsfähigkeit' sowohl für den nächsten Kundentag, als auch als Teil unserer Beratungsleistung weiter zu vertiefen.

On-demand best practice processes - Introducing Business Flows

bpExperts therefore proudly presents Business Flows! The first on-demand business process reference content accessible for all.

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